Sport or sports are all forms of usually competitive physical activity or games which, through casual or organised participation, aim to …
Adam Smartpants
Education Zone has opened up great opportunities in my career. I have learnt so much from here. The practical business …
Highly Respected Degree
We offer highly respected degrees that is accepted by over 1000000 colleges from all around the world.
Global Education
We believe that education should have a global reach that is why we make you ready for the world.
Idea Generation
We believe that ideas can change life that is why our curriculum is developed to encourage new ideas.
Intellectual Development
We give special attention to your intellectual development. We have special classes just to make you smarter
Jurusan Akuntansi di SMK mempelajari tentang pencatatan, pengolahan, dan pelaporan keuangan. Siswa akan belajar tentang akuntansi dasar, manajemen keuangan, pajak, audit, hukum bisnis, …
Jurusan TKRO atau Teknik Kendaraan Ringan Otomotif adalah salah satu jurusan di SMK yang mempelajari tentang cara merawat, memperbaiki, dan …
Jurusan TKJ atau Teknik Komputer Jaringan adalah salah satu jurusan di SMK yang mempelajari tentang cara merakit komputer, jaringan dasar, …